Design & Create

Design is an important part of the creative process. Without design, the creative thought remains a thought. With design, that creative thought becomes a tangible item. Below you will find some of the print work that I've done with excerpts of my thought process.

Visual Identity

Re-designed logo for Happy Feet Reflexology, and designed brochures. Created a logo for the Victoria's Secret Foundation, as well as come up with the content and tagline for the collateral which is "Unleash your inner strength."

chad perrone cd redesigned.

Branding Extension

Designed a three poster series for Victoria's Secret Showstopper line. Acted as the art director for the photoshoot. I wanted to create a classy setting by having the black silk backdrop. Photography by: Kathryn O'Kane.

chad perrone cd redesigned.

Logo Identity

Created a personal logo to incorporate onto letterheads, envelopes, and business cards. I wanted a logo that was clean, simple and sharp so I designed a logo that encompassed all those qualities and that would also be transferable to black and white.

infographic about top 10 billionaires.


Designed an infographic on the top 10 billionaire's of the world. I used the world map to visually highlight where the billionaires were located. I also wanted to show the difference between how much the first billionaire made vs how much the tenth billionaire made with the bar graph. There is also a section of illustrations regarding facts about the billionaires, i.e. the red shoe is related to fashion; the pc represents technology.

infographic about top 10 billionaires.

Real Life Illustrations

Designed five different styles of lilac flowers with the pen tool and played with the gradient tool. I used those five flowers in various combinations to create a blooming image of the lilacs.

lilac illustrations.

Cookbook spread

Acted as the art director for a cookbook photoshoot. Once I had my images, I merged my food elements in Photoshop onto various shelves mimicking cabinet shelves. I also played with typography in the title to incorporate the colors from the food. Photography by: Jenee Cook.

chad perrone cd redesigned.

Rolling Stones Cover

Designed a Rolling Stones cover and spread. I used Photoshop to cut Beyonce's hair with the use of curves, levels, and the different channels of color. I used InDesign to set up my spreads, and the rest of the layouts.

rolling stones cover and spread.

CD Packaging

Re-designed Chad Perrone's CD cover and CD label. The CD label was a two-color job, so I used various hues of grey from light grey to deep grey. On the cover, I stuck with the same grey theme but incorporated some forest green and deep purples. I used the brushes in Photoshop to create the texture that is shown on these pieces.

chad perrone cd redesigned.